Thursday, August 22, 2013

Breastfeeding 101

Throughout 2012, I've thought a lot about future plans for future baby.... You heard that right.  One of the things I've given a lot of thought to is if I plan to BF or formula feed. After talking to others and doing my research, the decision was an easy one for me: I plan to BF.  In this post, I thought I'd include my goals, expectations and some helpful tips and interesting facts that may help others decide as well.

First off, here are some of the most interesting things I've learned about Breastfeeding.

Did You Know...

  • While breastfeeding is instinctual, it is also LEARNED by both Mom and baby and takes lots of practice.  
  • Breastfeeding is the most normal and natural way to feed your baby, despite how society has distorted the world's view... how do you think babies were fed 100s of years ago?  We, along with many animals, are mammals and are able to produce milk for a reason
  • You can expect there to be difficulties in the beginning, which is why having a good support system is absolutely essential to nursing mamas.  The more people you have encouraging and supporting you, assuring you that you're doing what's best for baby, the better
  • Latch is key. All Moms can expect to experience pain and discomfort during the first few weeks of nursing - this is normal. If pain and discomfort persists, or if you have cracked and bleeding nipples, an improper latch is likely the culprit and you should try adjusting your latch and/or seeing a professional. Having an improper latch and experiencing pain and discomfort is primary reason women become frustrated and give up on nursing their babies
  • Immediately after giving birth, most women question if they are producing "enough" to sustain baby since their milk is not yet in. This shouldn't be a concern since baby's stomach is super tiny when they are born and just a few drops each feeding fills them up. Your body first produces colostrum, which is very fatty and high in calories, thus all your newborn needs. As the days pass, their stomachs get gradually bigger as your body begins producing milk. It's very common for babies to do what is called "cluster feed" at the beginning - it is their way to cue your body to produce milk. Very few women are unable to produce milk
  • Your milk changes over time based on baby's needs. Baby's saliva tells your breasts what kind of milk they need, which can even give them an extra boost if they are feeling sick.  How cool is that?
  • Breast milk is the ideal food for newborns and infants. It's literally all your baby needs and is extremely easy for them to digest compared to formula
  • Formula was created to "mimic" breastmilk but it does not contain the antibodies found in nutrient-rich breastmilk
  • Many studies have shown breastfeeding contributes to a lifetime of good health and the World Health Organization currently recommends nursing to age 2
  • Many who used formula may not be familiar with bottle feeding a breastfed baby. While away from baby, paced feeding is very important to ensure baby is not over or under fed
  • -There are some good benefits for Mom too...not only can BF help you get back to your pre-pregnancy weight sooner (you burn around 500 calories day!), but nursing helps reduce your risk of breast and ovarian cancer later in life + it's a pretty effective form of birth control up to 6 weeks postpartum
  • Bigger isn't better. Lucky for me, it's a fact that the amount of milk you produce has absolutely nothing to do with your breast size
  • Nursing babies triggers the release of the hormone "oxytocin," which relaxes both you and baby
  • Your body knows the difference between baby and a pump. Don't freak out of you aren't pumping much milk - it's not indicative of milk supply since baby is the expert at getting milk. In fact, most women can only express 30% of their milk
  • If you feel you are not producing enough or if you need an extra boost, there are many foods you can consume to boost your supply. Popular food/drinks that are extremely effective are: oats (steel cut, not instant), coconut water, almonds, almond milk, mother's milk tea, gatorade and of course lots of water
  • "Food before one is just for fun" is something I believe in.  Many slowly begin introducing solids and different textures around 6 months (generally not sooner), but nearly all of baby's nutrition should still come from breastmilk
  • If a Mom quits breastfeeding early on, it's possible to "re-lactate" months down the road after having baby
  • There is now a federal law that requires employers to provide a private space for nursing mothers to express and store their milk. Thankfully, my employer has established several mother's rooms at my workplace
  • Many refer to expressed milk as "liquid gold" for a reason. While some women with an oversupply choose to donate to mothers who are unable to produce milk, others sell their breastmilk for up to $4 per ounce. That’s about 262 times the price of oil. Many adoptive moms choose donor breastmilk over formula for their babies, which is great!
  • There is an international organization called the La Leche League that provides mother-to-mother BF support.  LLL encourages information and education and promotes a better understanding of breastfeeding as an important element in the healthy development of the baby and mother.  When the time comes, I plan to actively attend LLL meetings and will likely visit a few times toward the end of my pregnancy so I can be around other like-minded women

While I have only touched on the surface of breastfeeding and why I think it is important, those are some very interesting things that stood out to me in my information gathering.  Though I've heard it can be very tough and painful during the first few weeks, there are so many reasons that breastfeeding is best for mom and baby and I know that if difficulties arise, "it too, shall pass."

At a later date,  I'll share some helpful pictures and charts related to breastfeeding I think are helpful.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Nursery Inspiration: Turquoise, Orange and Lime Green ?

At times, I can be one of those Pinterest fanatics. I've even created my fair share of secret boards, one of which has various nursery design elements I am in love with. Everyone is crazy about owls and chevron - and the new "cool" wall color is gray. While I could live with those things, I've always been a fan of bold prints and my favorite color has always been lime green, followed by orange and turquoise blue.   Therefore, one day of course, I'm planning on creating a one-of-a-kind room for my little one, without it being too trendy or child-like. I plan to incorporate several DIY projects into the design to save some change and and to help create a completely unique custom look I'm happy with, that won't be outgrown within 12 months.

Here are some nurseries that are my inspiration for the FUTURE room.  They can also all be found on my PINTEREST PAGE linking you to the original sources :

(Pinterest is a great source for ideas, but I'd also recommend you checkout There are so many great ideas on this site - it's like the Pinterest of nurseries...except you unfortunately cannot save rooms you like)

Now, let's talk about my game plan to create a fairly gender-neutral, bright and cheery space. First off, window treatments.  Many of the crib bedding sets have matching window valances, but the more I think about it, I can't justify paying $150-$350 for some cheap bedding set that comes with a comforter or quilt (that's too cute to actually instead of a comforter, we'll just call it a decoration), a bumper set (these are not functional either due to being a suffocation hazard), a crib sheet, and a diaper stacker (which may or may not ever get used). Want matching valances and a mobile? Plan on forking out another ~$75 on accessories to match. No thanks. Instead, I've got 2 other options for window treatments and I don't have to spend another penny. I've got some lined, tangerine orange window panels from Pier 1 that I've been waiting to hang AND a pair of spare bright turquoise panels that are grass lined. Not one curtain option, but 2 - both of which likely fit into my ideal color scheme? Score!

Here, I thought I'd share some of the design elements I plan to incorporate into the room. I fell in love with these owl planters sold at Kirkland's. They're so multi-functional - I'm thinking about using one to hold baby socks and/or other misc items.

I picked up this ADORABLE mama and baby dog plush toy at TJM for only $5. Not only is it super adorable but it fits into my color scheme perfectly and I can already envision it sitting on a shelf until little one is big enough to play.  It's also made by Skip Hop, which I believe has the cutest toys on the market.

With the Pinterest and Etsy phenomenon, there are so many cute prints you can customize and frame.  These are fairly inexpensive and sometimes, you can even find free printables.  Please note that color schemes can be changed, but here are a few that I think are super adorb:

First Post

Just experimenting with the format

Long overdue