Saturday, February 8, 2014

5 Weeks

On Wednesday, I made a call to the nurse at my doctor's office.  She gave me several suggestions to help with my nausea and headaches that haven't subsided in a whole week.   She confirmed this is a very common symptom in the 1st trimester and noted I could be getting dehydrated by the end of the day or it could be a low blood sugar issue. One thing she recommended is that I eat something literally every 1.5 hours or so, preferably something with protein (small snacks she suggested were: a hard-boiled egg, a handful of nuts, string cheese, yogurt, 2 peanut butter crackers).  She also suggested I try drinking Sprite, ginger ale or some tea and noted that lemon, peppermint and ginger tend to help with upset stomachs - sometimes warm, sometimes cold and even suggested to freeze each of these in ice cube trays and suck on the ice cube, so maybe I'll give that a try. She also gave me the "okay" to keep taking Tylonel, but in moderation of course and only if I need it and recommended I try a Benadryl with or without a Tylonel before bed.  She was confident that Benadryl is super safe and has been on the market for many years and it helps with many things in pregnancy, so I will give that a try too.  I'm hoping to pick up some vitamin b6 to take 2x's a day as she recommended to see if that lessens my nausea.  It takes 3 days to see any kind of improvement, so I would like to stop somewhere tonight to pick some up, along with some tea perhaps.

How far along?  I'll be given a definite date in 1.5 weeks by my doctor, but according to LMP (1/3/14) I am 5 weeks.  According to O (1/18/14) I am only 3 weeks.  Usually, the doctor uses LMP even if you know the date of conception so for now, we'll go with 5 weeks

Baby's Development:  The embryo is dividing into 3 layers of cells this week - the top layer will become the central nervous system (brain, spinal cord, nerves and backbone), the middle layer will develop into the circulatory system and the bottom layer is where the lungs, intestines, thyroid and other major internal organs will develop

Total weight gain/loss:  I am currently  ~136 lbs.   I've gained none so far, although I gained appx. 6 unrelated lbs within the past 6-9 months

Maternity clothes?   Nada, but I'll have to figure something out soon in the wardrobe department. I only have 3 pair of work pants I can comfortably fit into as it is and the others, I've been using the "hair-tie-through-the-button-hole" method for months to get some more life out of them, but I'm not sure how much longer this will fly.  My shirt covers the top, so who cares?

Sleep:  Has been 100% non-existent since I found out the news

Best moment this week:  Scheduling the 1st Appointment and hearing C sound excited about it

Cravings:  None.... I love food and nothing sounds overly appealing.  I've been eating really well, but I'm waiting for the day when I make or order something, then as soon as it's in front of me, I'm completely disgusted and can't eat it

Queasy/Sick and Symptoms:  Headaches off and on for almost a week now and I've been nauseous pretty much continuously since Sunday, which I'm hoping my nerves are just contributing to.  Maybe it'll subside in another day or so?  I haven't actually thrown up yet and I'm trying to stay hydrated and suck on candies to help

Gender:  No idea and I can happily say I have no preference

Happy or Moody:  Happy of course

Belly Button in or out?  Completely in and I like it that way

Stretch marks?  None, except for some light old ones I've always had on my hips

Wedding rings on or off?  On.....I have zero swelling and thankfully, they're a tad loose

What I miss:  Not much has changed yet, other than feeling exhausted from not sleeping.... so I'll say sleep

What I am looking forward to:  Crafting the announcement idea I came up with to tell our parents

Milestones or Progress:  I finally got around to buying the remaining supplies needed to make my chalkboard I plan to hang upstairs in the future nursery or on the main floor

Now I need to get around to the photo thing......I'm promising myself to take my 1st picture next week

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