Tuesday, March 18, 2014

10 Weeks

How far along?   10 Weeks + 5 Days

Baby's Development:  ll vital organs have formed and are beginning to function.  Baby M is already growing tiny nails on fingers and toes as well as tiny buds for teeth

Total weight gain/loss:  Still around 131, so down about 4 lbs from my pre-preg weight of 135

Maternity clothes?   Nothing new, other than the 4 outfits from my mom.  I officially have 2 pair of workpants that fit, so I guess I'll break out the only 2 maxi skirts I have.  I think my maternity pants will fit soon, but I'm not quite ready for them.  I'll give them another "test fit" at the beginning of April

Sleep:  Still 100% non-existent, which doesn't make sense because I'm completely exhausted all. the. time

Best moment this week:  We got out of the house a little over the weekend, which was nice. We watched all 3 UK games on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  On Friday, we met E, K, C & M at LaRosa's to watch and told them the news.  It was so awkward telling them, but then again, it was kind of obvious when I ordered water.  Saturday night, D, J and T came over and we ordered UFC 171 on PPV.  I was up the latest I've been able to stay awake in 6 weeks but there were some really good fights

Cravings:  Still none.  The only things I've felt like I could eat every day (not sure if it's even considered a "craving," rather, something that's tolerable) are flaming hot cheet-os and BBQ Grippo chips. Nothing sounds good, but I'm still doing okay at eating.  I'm managing to eat about as much as usual, so I think my weight loss has to do with the fact that I've been more cautious about what I eat (ie I've been eating more fresh fruit and vegetables, like grapes and cheese cubes, raw carrots with no dip, and berries for snacks) and the fact that I haven't been eating many sweets.  Candy and baked good pretty much gross me out still

Queasy/Sick and Symptoms:   I've had a rough couple days since my last update.  After feeling miserably sick Wednesday and missing work, I decided to schedule an appt. with the doctor to see if he could prescribe me something to take as needed for my nausea.  He gave me Zofran and so far, I've only taken 2 pills.  I'm trying to only take it if I absolutely need to, but the 2 days I took it, I could tell a huge difference and it very quickly settles my stomach a bit.  I have 18 pills left and am praying I don't need to use them all because my sickness soon starts to minimize.  To me, there is no other ailment worse than feeling sick all day

Gender:  Won't know for a while

Happy or Moody:  Happy, in a sleepy sort of way

Belly Button in or out?  In

Stretch marks?  No new ones

Wedding rings on or off?  On with zero swelling

What I miss:  Having energy and not feeling like I'm being lazy, due to feeling awful

What I am looking forward to:  Warm weather.  Over the past couple weeks, we had 2 days in the 60s, then it went right back to the 20s and 30s.  I'm looking forward to feeling better and it being warm so I can hopefully start going for walks and sitting outside without freezing to get some fresh air

Milestones or Progress:  Early last week, I went to a consignment sale with my mom.  I was able to buy a used stroller (the one we planned to buy for $180) for $40 in orange instead of lime green.  It's clearly been used, but still in good shape.  We plan to give it a good wipe down soon and wash the material liner parts to get it nice in clean.  I also got 5 madela bottles and 10 madela BM storage bottles, a microwavable bottle sterilizer that will also easily fit pump parts, a blue/green glow worm baby and a baby bath.  I still need to pay my mom back since it was chaos when we checked out and easier to pay without splitting everything up.

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